Last week we had given the county GIS department the names of four roads that didn’t match between our system and their GIS. The person who makes the changes at the county calle asking for a map and the documents supporting the change. We’ve been researching our road names for about a year now to verify the ones in our GIS are the formally approve name. So I did have documentation for two of them. However, I didn’t realize we had passe along two changes that did not have documentation.
So I spent time today looking
for the document that change those road names. Although my australia phone number search resulte in learning how the roads were establishe. I never did find the documentation for the names. So rather than spend more time looking, I am going to see if we can have the city council approve the road names so I can record them. Only after we do this and record the change with the county will the county change the name on their.
The district office we work with
Is always very helpful, and I am always very appreciative of that.) The person I talke to said I would nee to look at the individual agreements that were signe each time each signal was improve. So our interns spent part of the Belgium Phone Number day looking for these agreements. Unfortunately we could not find any. I decidd to try another route. In my previous position, I was locate in the District 3 territory for IDOT. There we had an awesome person who was responsible for all agreements.