Yahnia Figueroa
contact name: Yahnia Figueroa contact job function details: contact job function: contact job title: contact job seniority: contact person city: […]
contact name: Yahnia Figueroa contact job function details: contact job function: contact job title: contact job seniority: contact person city: […]
contact name: Laura Penn contact job function details: executive assistant to the ceo contact job function: contact job title: Executive
contact name: Viji Rathnagiri contact job function details: information technology contact job function: information_technology contact job title: Information Technology Manager
contact name: Blaine Frederick contact job function details: product management contact job function: product_management contact job title: VP Product Management
contact name: Weijun Pan contact job function details: contact job function: contact job title: contact job seniority: contact person city:
contact name: Amy Pearson contact job function details: information technology contact job function: information_technology contact job title: Information Technology Director
contact name: Pujaranee Prusty contact job function details: contact job function: contact job title: contact job seniority: contact person city:
contact name: Jessica Hellum contact job function details: system contact job function: information_technology contact job title: System Administrator contact job
contact name: Roy Wolford contact job function details: it opreations contact job function: information_technology contact job title: Global IT Opreations
contact name: Fuad El-Hibri contact job function details: chairman ceo contact job function: contact job title: Chairman & CEO contact
contact name: Jim Loussaert contact job function details: scientist contact job function: contact job title: Sr. Scientist contact job seniority:
contact name: David Dale contact job function details: area business contact job function: business_development contact job title: Area Business Manager