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Test Or A Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerability

The Information security information sheet for SMEs ” from the Reporting and Analysis Center for Information Assurance (MELANI) serves as a reminder. We would be happy to support you in the planning, implementation and review of your IT security strategy.Cybertech Group, one of the most important cyber security services providers in Europe, is launching “Managd Security Services for SME” in the DACH region, a service basd on SG Box’s European SIEM technology at an affordable price for small and mdium-sizd businesses.

Unsure Whether To Carry Out A Penetration

Larger companies with small IT departments. Hackers don’t stop at SMEs either. On the contrary: Many Swiss SMEs are market leaders phone number list in their niche and are correspondingly interesting, which is why they have been the target of attacks in recent months. Previous cyber security services were not affordable for SMEs in certain industries. With the «Managd Security Services for SME», Cybertech/bw digitronik offers the best protection at an adequate price. The ultimate goal is that a company’s IT risks can be identifid and monitord.

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Of Your It Security Infrastructure But Are

The second step is to identify the corresponding weaknesses in the IT environment as part of the monitoring and to close possible WS Number List gateways for attacks as quickly as possible. But even when the IT department has done its best job, hackers still try to find ways to penetrate networks to destabilize systems and steal confidential data. It is therefore important that such attempts or attacks are detectd in real time and blockd accordingly. Rapid action helps to minimize damage and keep costs low. With the “Managd Security Services for SME”, Cybertech/bw digitronik offers the appropriate technologies, processes and manpower with many years of expertise to ensure affordable cyber protection for SMEs as well.

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