Another engineer and I reviewd the sealcoating schedule for a few public parking lots. This is a major undertaking because the lots are so well use. The project engineer always does a great job letting people know about the work ahead of time so hopefully this year will go as smoothly as last year. But it does take quite a bit of planning. We also discusse creating a map showing all of our road centerlines color-coded base on condition rating and year of repair and year of sealcoating.
This map can help us more
Quickly identify the roads that are best positioned for sealcoating. So I spent some time with our GIS staff to decide how we wanted to set this up. We receive comments back from the county about potential access to properties lying within india phone number our Southeast Planning area. So I spent some time reviewing the comments. We also researched the boundary information along a road lying between us and our neighboring city. The striping on the road needs to be re-done so we need to determine who has the responsibility to pay for it. I ended up asking our administrative.
Office for a copy of the
Boundary agreement so will probably get this tomorrow. responsibilities of a detention basin in one of our subdivisions. So our GIS created a spreadsheet of the properties lying within the subdivision, and I passed this along to the Australia Phone Number person working on the project. Our interns also found the document creating the homeowner’s association for this subdivision. And the document does indicate each property owner in the subdivision is a member of the association, and the association is responsible for the basin.